Different kinds of MRT and LRT people

Most of us at one time have ridden in one of our country's MRT or LRTs. These trains are designed for short trips only, it means that it is designed for travelling or riding in standing position, so you will notice that the seats provided are very limited and were allocated only for PWDs, seniors, elderly, pregnant ladies or parent with small child. This author is an everyday commuter of these electric public transport and have long since want to write about this. Here is a compilation of different people or riders that may probably identify you as one of them. This is only written for the purpose of fun and no pun intended.

Philippine National Hero : Jose Rizal

1. Hero type - they are considerate people, these commuters give their seats at the first sight of an elder, senior, lady or a pregnant woman. They are everyday heroes and are not limited to the men only. Because I see a lot of hero women also, sometimes I see more female heroes than males. 

Emcee-type rider

2. Emcee type - you will know this kind of rider when their phone rings, usually this person is a he. you will hear his voice even when he is from the far end of the coach. Talking loudly as if he is broadcasting the iterinary of his day.

Sleeper-type rider

3. Sleeper type - they are the sleeping riders whether they are really sleep because of exhaustion, lack of sleep or just pretending to be asleep so they could sit for the whole trip. They don't usually give their seats to the designated ones to sit. These riders are usually a he and also included in the class of the non-reactive type ( see No. 5 ).

4. Conversative  or  Talker  type - you will see these people conversing with each other unaware of the surrounding people. They are usually students talking moderately loud about their day's events either their assignments or happenings at school.  

TIC-type rider

5. TIC type - or Totally Immersed in Celphone rider, immediately upon entering the train they are already busy playing games or listening music with their phones, some standing and some sitting and are unaware of their surrounding if a person needs a seat ( pregnant women, elders etc.). They are one of most insensitive riders of the group. 

Hugger-typr rider

6. Hugger type - these riders are people who likes to hug the railings. They are people that don't care about their fellow commuters if others does not have something to hold on during the train is at motion. Railings are used as holding support for the riding public when the train is moving to avoid accidents.  

Unabled-type rider

7. Unabled or deadma type - (sarcastic form of disable, deadma or non-reactive person ) unable riders are those commuters that are normal healthy persons like you and me ( younger than the seniors ) without any disabilities of any form. Called unabled because they are unable to stand and give seats to the people that needs to sit. Other forms of unabled or deadma are the roadlogs and the leaners. Roadlogs are unable to move. While leaners are unable to stand without any support, a form of laziness.

Boombox-type rider

8. Boombox type - you will see these riders playing very loud music either with their bluetooth speakers or celphones, which is very annoying.

9. Beggar type - they are those riders that you will see sitting at the sides usually in the middle part of the trains. I am guessing its because of exhaustion, but they are not wary of the other standing people who will need the extra space they are occupying during their sitting posture.

Maniac-type rider

10. Maniac type - you will sometimes encounter these kind of riders simplifying ( *pasimple in filipino ) his actions, *chancing their way to take advantage of the crowded sardines situation. Most of the time is the skin to skin contact but sometimes to the more offensive contacts such as touching butts. Sometimes they get lucky, sometimes they get what they deserve hopefully most of the time which is a big slap in the face or a kick in the groin.

11. Crook guy - plain simple pickpockets, since they can't declare holdup inside the train.

deaf type

12. Deaf type - these are the riders that stand in the area of the train door, they are usually deaf and careless whenever there are people coming in or going out of the train. Either they are that careless or just totally immersed in their headsets even though you have shouted that you are going out.

13. Roadlog type - "tuod" in filipino. These standing riders that seem to be a dead tree blocking  in the middle of the entrance / exit of the train. Disregarding the inconvenience they are causing to the commuters going out or coming in the train.

Leaner-type rider

14. Leaner type - these riders that always lean on the railings. Railings are used to hold on to, to add safety to the riding public during the train is in motion. By leaning to the railings, commuters are deprived of the space to hold on in case the train makes sudden stops. These leaners are a form of unabled persons, persons that are unable to stand without leaning to the railings because of laziness, which is also irritating.

15. Very near the station type - they are the riders you see standing beside the door partially blocking the way in and out of the train, saying their destination station is very near, but its not.

16. Businessman type - you will see them with big baggage inside the train. These riders are hard working people, not minding how hard carrying their heavy cargo up and down the stairs without the help of the station's elevator or escalators just to earn a living.

17. Hour-after-hour type – you will know this type of rider when you smell them. We just hope they mind about their personal hygiene. Note: Hour-after-hour is a deodorant brand name famous in the 80s. see

*Note : simplifying is really not pasimple in filipino. Just playing with words. Pasimple means actions that are unnoticeable. While tsansing or *chancing means taking the chance to take advantage of touching a person physically from a simple skin to skin contact to a more offensive contact. 
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